Over 10,000 used bows sold...and counting!
Do you want to sell your gear, but you don't have the means? Or maybe you want to skip the hassle of dealing with strangers on the internet? Send it to us and we will sell it for you.
We have been doing this for a long time. We have a very accurate system and we pay promptly. That's why many thousands of people trust us to sell their gear each year.
We charge a 25% consignment fee for bows.
A lot of times we can fetch about that much more than a private individual selling on his own. Buyers are more willing to pay market value when shopping with an established business, rather than dealing with a stranger on the internet. So a lot of times our consignors break even, even after we take 25% of the selling price.
The above is not true for collectible bows or high end bows. Those tend to fetch market prices no matter what venue they're sold in.
Misc. Accessories:
We typically charge 30% consignment fee on all accessories like arrows, quivers, broadheads, cases, knives, etc.
Do you have a collectible or high value item? Give us a call and we will discuss the details.
You retain ownership of your items until the moment they are sold. As the owner we will default to your pricing if you wish. Of course we are always happy to give our recommendation. You may also request to have your item returned at any time.
Because we have been selling these items for so many years, we usually have a pretty good idea on what the market is willing to pay. Most of the time we bracket the price range between highest return vs quickest return then let you choose the strategy.
Paying Consignors:
We typically pay consignors through a check or store credit.
We run reports and pay consignors most Saturdays. So we will put a check in the mail the Saturday following the sale of your item.
If you want to be paid in store credit, we will give you an additional 5%. Instead of paying a 25% consignment fee you can opt for a 20% fee when you choose to be paid in store credit.
Other payment options are handled on a case-by-case basis.
If this sounds good, you can put your items in the mail anytime. Please be sure to include a note with your name and phone number. We get so many used items that it is impossible to remember every Email and/or phone conversation.
As soon as we get your items, we will give you a call. We will gather all your information and discuss the selling price.
👉 To get started, fill out our consignment form.
Please send your items to:
ATTN: Consignment Sales
4298 Kipling St, Unit B
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Call or Email with any questions: